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2016-0124 - Notice Of Distribution – Winston Resources Inc. (WRW)

January 28, 2016

Winston Resources  Inc (“WRW") has announced a special dividend of its entire shareholdings in four listed affiliated companies.  Winston will distribute the following shares on a pro rata basis:

1.2101 shares of CNRP Mining Inc. (“CND”) for each one share of WRW

0.0908 shares of Zara Resources Inc (“ZRI”) for each one share of WRW

1.0311 shares of Hadley Mining Inc. (“HM”) for each one share of WRW

0.0891 shares of Leo Resources Inc. (“LEO) for each one share of WRW

WRW begins trading ex-dividend on January 27, 2016. 

Symbol: WRW
Ex-distribution Date: January 27, 2016 
Record Date: January 29, 2016 

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