Izotropic Corporation
Izotropic Corporation

Izotropic Corporation is a medical device company commercializing imaging-based products utilizing innovative and emerging technologies for the more accurate screening, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancers.
The Company holds a license under a license agreement to make, have made, use, offer for sale, import, and sell products and services and to practice processes and methods in the field of human diagnostics and therapeutics in the United States and any other countries where approvals are granted or where patent rights may exist in the future concerning certain licensed patent rights.
Izotropic Corporation (IZO)
SEDAR Information
Company Info
News Releases
2018-0529 – New Listing – Izotropic Corporation (IZO)
Le 30 mai/May 2018
The common shares of Izotropic Corporation have been approved for listing on the CSE.
Listing and disclosure documents will be available at www.thecse.com on the trading date.