Ovation Science Inc.
Ovation Science Inc.
Ovation Science Inc. (CSE:OVAT / OTCQB:OVATF) develops topical and transdermal products with Invisicare®, a high performance, patented drug delivery system that is backed by 20+ years of R&D and enhances the delivery of ingredients to and through the skin. We are all about the science!
Using pharmaceutical drug development protocols and innovation, Ovation Science has developed unique topical and transdermal cannabis product formulations. Our technology and formulations are licensed to national and international companies that are branding experts that manufacture and market these products globally.
Ovation Science Inc. (OVAT)
Company Info
SEDAR Information
Company Info
2018-1113 – New Listing – Ovation Science Inc. (OVAT)
Le 13 novembre/November 2018
The common shares of Ovation Science Inc., have been approved for listing on the CSE.
Listing and disclosure documents will be available at www.thecse.com on the trading date.
Ovation Science Inc. is engaged in the business of sublicensing rights to use Invisicare a patented drug delivery technology used in topical and transdermal skin products containing hemp seed oil and cannabis products.