Senasen Group

Services pour les Sociétés Inscrites

Senasen Group
Senasen provides investors - whether a high-networth investor, a family office, an intermediary or a professional investor- a great user experience to view and engage with the multi-media content your company creates to tell their story. Investors want to engage remotely and digitally but not via social media and email - there is now a smarter way to attract investors to your company website, make contact, and communicate between meetings.
Companies can exercise full control over the way their story is told and share information. Senasen’s easy to use and secure platform provides multiple access levels- meaning marketing & investor relations teams can both access and work together.
This new platform should be of particular interest to small to mid-sized companies You can add your company profile for free by visiting If you wish to access additional services, such as private rooms for groups, archiving, and multi user accounts, it’s possible to subscribe for a modest monthly fee. For further information or demo please do contact us at: